
Francis Lynn
BC Children’s Research Institute
A4-184, 950 28th Ave W
Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4H4

tel: 604-875-2000 x5426
email: francis dot lynn at ubc dot ca


Turn off Oak St into the Children's and Women's Hospital on what would be 30th Avenue. Once at the stop sign the building to your left, beyond the hill, is your final destination. Visitor pay parking can be found in lot adjacent to 28th Ave or in front of the Research Institute. Alternatively free parking can be found on Oak St (9:30-3) or on Braemar Park (2hr).

Enter BC Children's Hospital Research Institute at the blue arrow, under the white awning with skylights. Turn right and head to the end of the hallway and take the elevator up to "4”. From the
lobby dial "5426" or "4816".


© FCL 2025